Bishop Arrianus - The Anomoean
Thursday, January 17, 2013
, Posted by ManilasMan at 12:48 PM
Anomoeanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Anomoean bishop of Ionia.
From. Dictionary of Christian Biography Literature Sect and Doctrines:
A Bishop of the Anomoean Party, consecrated, together with Arrianus, by Aetius and Eunomius at Constantinople in the year 363, to superintend, the one the churches of Lydia, the other those of Ionia.
This ordination was by no means popular with the Eunomians generally, who took offence at it as the act of the leaders of the party alone without consulting the members of the body.
The disaffected party was headed by Theodosius, and was appealed to Eudoxius, who supported them in their opposition to the newly appointed prelates. Candidus and Arrian used their influence with Jovian, whose kinsmen they were against Athanasius but ineffectually
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